


          The first hospital was attached to Guangxi Medical University  Xu Aiqiu   Wu Yuan


Our hospital used the ION WATER BOTTLES which were designed by Lu Jiang who is a senior engineer of Nanning aluminium factory and has been granted a patent. It can get a very good effect because it can heal many internal medicine problems.




1, Source of cases

They are all the local hospital staff or relatives who were registered by special observation forms and responsible people.. The group had 50 cases with ages between 15 to 87, average age was 56.5, male were 27 cases and females with 23.


2, Cases choice and assessment criteria of curative effect

According to internal medical classical works PRACTICAL INTERNAL MEDICINE, the 9th edition of January, 1993, nationwide cardiovascular forum of 1972 year and the standard assessments academic symposium cerebral vein of the People¡¯s Republic of China in 1981, Details of the cases were: high fat protein blood diseases 17 cases, hypertension 7, coronary arteriosclerosis heart diseases 5, cerebral artery sclerosis 5, hypertension combined with cerebral artery sclerosis 8, hypertension combining with coronary artery disease 3, obesity 3, myocarditis 1,and constipation 1. 17 cases were within 1 to 3 years and 25 cases were within 1 year. 


3, Methods of drinking the ion water

No matter what temperature cold, warm or boiled water, tea water or mineral water we could cut metallic impurities by using the ion water bottles. When people wanted the water at 30to40C for drinking it was available at the same time the ion water bottles make it, but depositing it didn¡¯t over half day. It was suitable to drink it on an empty stomach. Quantity of use: Drinking 1500ml with weights 50 to 60 kg every day, 1800ml for weights 60 to 75kg each day, for weights 75 to 90kg to drinking 2000 to 25000ml every day, the more drank they drink the better. One period of treatment is 60 days and practical use was 60 to 120 days.


4, Therapeutic effects

Both before and after treatment people are questioned examined about clinical symptoms in great detail, those which are examining hypertension, weight, CH, TG, electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms and retinas. The symptoms have differ noticeably.

( 1 ) Changing situation of clinical symptoms



After treatment

Effective rate of treatment




Chest restrictions ( difficulty breathing )






Chest pain












Early beat(throb)


















Short of breath (panting, out of breath)












Numbness of the limbs






Limbs feeling cool






Blurred vision












                                   Total effective rate of treatment90.8%


( 2 ) Influence on blood pressure

In the group with hypertension, 18 cases including pure hypertension, hypertension combined with cerebral artery sclerosis, hypertension combining with coronary artery disease, whose blood pressures fell noticeably after drinking the ion water for a period of treatment, 7 cases reduced quantity of medicine for hypertension gradually till ceasing it that was 38.8%. 9 cases( 50% ) achieved some blood pressure reduction and reduced quantity of medicine for hypertension but are unable stop it use and the cases who kept blood pressure stable were 2 ( 11.1% ).Total effective rate of treatment was 88.8%.

 ( 3 ) Change of total cholesterol and glycerin trillaurate in serum

In the group with high blood fat, 17 cases, all with different levels raising in CH or ( and ) TG. 2 cases often took the medicine for blood fat reduction, 3 cases took it irregularly and 12 cases didn¡¯t take it. After they drank the water which was treated by the ion water bottles, tests have showed all of the cases had reduced CH, TG by differing levels. 4 cases( 23.6% ) fell 1.5mmol/L or more in one or two tests , 10 cases ( 58.8% ) from 0.8 to 1.5mmol/L reduction in one or two tests, 3 cases ( 17.6 % ) fell 0.8mmol/L with one or two tests. After drinking the ion water 2 cases who often took the medication to control blood fat levels reduced the dosage gradually, 3 cases who took the medication irregularly ceased it totally. .

( 4 ) Change of electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram

Electroencephalograms: 19 cases showed poor rhythm adjustment with them before treatment, and they also had a disorder wave form or ( and )increasing slow wave, or ( and ) increasing fast wave, 17 cases improved that situation after treating, total effective rate of treatment was 89.5%.


Electrocardiogram: 8 cases showed pressure low in ST phase before treating, 6 cases ( 75% )improved after treatment. 7 cases showed T wave change before treatment, 3 ( 42.8% ) cases improved after treating, 5 cases showed high voltage in the left ventricle, 1 case ( 20% )improved after treatment. Early beat was 2 cases, after treating their early beat reduced by differing levels.


( 5 ) OTHER

In the group there were 50 cases. After they drank the ion water 27 cases lost weight from 0.5 to 4kg by differing levels. 3 cases of them who drank more than 2000ml daily showed significant weight loses noticeably.

In the group there was 1 case of long-term constipation, after they drank the ion water 7 days the constipation was reduced, after 14 days the constipation vanished totally and defecate was regular.

The group¡¯s retinas changed very little after they drank the ion water.




The ion water bottles made by Aluminium Factory of Nanning, Guangxi, and have a latest designe invention patent. The magnetic field intensity was 150 to 175 mT, so that the ion water significantly reduced metallic impurities while it was being prepared. The ion water was tested by Research Centre of Analyse and Test, Guangxi, proving that its ion concentration was high, with plenty of ions and water molecules.

By clinical observation we proved the ion water from these bottles was beneficial in medical treatment and health care for the sclerosis of the cerebral artery, coronary heart disease, hypertension, high blood fat, obesity and other problems. Hypertension, high blood fat, obesity and cardiovascular arteriosclerosis and cerebral vein arteriosclerosis are dangerous factors of cardiovascular diseases as well cerebral vein. The ion water can reduce pressure and fat effectively. If people drink it long-term the cardiovascular diseases and cerebral vein diseases can be protected effectively, so that people¡¯s quality of life can be improved , especially prolonging life for older people. The ion water bottles of the Nanning Aluminium Factory has wide practical prospects in medical treatment and health care fields.


Xu Aiqiu, the professor of nervous internal medicine and physician-in-charge in the first hospital was attached to Guangxi Medical University

Wu Yuan, the Master postgraduate of nervous internal medicine and physician-in-charge in the first hospital was attached to Guangxi Medical University





Hao Xiangang, Peng Chuanmin, The 303 Hospital of the Chinese People¡¯s Liberation Army

The water which contain high concentration single water molecules and a high concentration ions is called the ion water, in which the molecular bonding of natural water has reduced metallic impurities by the use of a magnetic field. Presently the ion water is valuable used daily for the function of medical treatment and health care on humans. In our hospital the ion water handled by the ion water bottles which were designed by Lu Jiang who is a senior engineer of Nanning aluminium factory and has been granted a patent. We have observed 50 cases and report the results below.




1, General data: In the group there were 50 cases, 42 males, 8 females, ages ranging from 53 to 78 with an average age 64.6(¡À9.2), all are retired cadres and family members of army personnel. Basic diseases: cerebral artery sclerosis, 21 cases, 12 cases with coronary coronary arteriosclerosis heart disease,17 cases with coronary heart disease with cerebral artery sclerosis. Their period of diseases was from 1 to 28 years, average period was 8.8(¡À7.2) years. 27 cases also had hypertension and 42 cases also with high fat blood symptoms, in which high cholesterol blood symptom were 13, 17 cases with high glycerine trimyristate blood symptom,12 cases with both symptoms increasing and ¢òsort diabetes was 4. All cases had obvious subjective symptoms, such as dizziness, headache, numbness of the limbs, chest restrictions ( difficulty breathing ) ,insomnia, palpitation, pain in front area of heart, etc. They were all diagnosed precisely.

2, Diagnostic criteria and determination criteria of curative effect: In the essay all diseases diagnoses and determination standards of curative effect was based on the criteria of the book called CRITERIA OF CLINICAL DISEASE DIAGNOSIS BASES USED FOR CURING OR IMPROVING PATIENTS.

3, Methods: Using the Nanning aluminium factory ion water bottles and according to the reference of ion water production, when people want the water for drinking it was available at the same it was made. It was drunk on an empty stomach. Quantity drunk was based weight. For weights 50 to 60 kg the requirement for drinking was 1500ml/day, when weights were 60 to 75 kg they drank 1800ml/day and for 75 to 90 weights they drank 2000 to 2500 ml/day. The total volume of ion water was drunk progressively throughout the day. water was drunk During drinking, the cases with a minor disease symptoms were able cease special medication, such as the medicines used for reducing fat and pressure, anti solidifying medicines,         blood vessel enlarging medicines, etc. For the cases with serious symptoms, they drank the ion water and took the special medication at the same time. Afterwards the illness symptoms improved, the medication was reduced gradually or, in some cases, ceased. Observed curative effect; After patients drank the water for period of 60 to 120 days. We observed every case¡¯s blood pressure, weight, blood fat,  



blood sugar and haematuria and observed clinical symptom change before and after they drank the ion water, there were special people responsible for records to reduce chance of errors as much as possible.




1, Changes of clinical symptom: In the group 38 cases with cerebral artery sclerosis including 1 case who also had coronary heart disease, 10 ceases( 26.3% ) achieved significant results. 25 cases( 65.8% ) achieved results, in 3 cases ( 7.95 )there was no change. Total effective rate of treatment was 92.1%. In 29 cases with coronary heart disease including 17 cases with cerebral artery sclerosis, 7 cases (24.1%) achieved significant results, 20 cases (69.0%) achieved results and in 2 cases (6.9%) there was no change. Total effective rate of treatment was 93.1%. In addition, 11 cases with constipation in different levels could cease laxatives because the disease symptoms were relieved after drinking the ion water.

2, The group of 27 cases with combined hypertensions were tested. 14 (51.9%) cases¡¯ results were significantly improved, 9 cases (33.3%) achieved results and in 4 cases there were no change. Total effective rate was 85.2%. Systolic pressure changed from 23.2¡À2.3 Kpa down to 19.2¡À2.4 Kpa, diastolic pressure from 14.3¡À1.1Kpa down to 12.1¡À1.3 Kpa. By testing T for themselves, both were P< 0.01. The results showed the ion water had rather good effect of reducing pressures for people who had hypertension especially for mild hypertension and hypertension with medium seriousness the curative effects were quite good.

3, Changes of blood fat: The group of 42 cases with high blood fat symptom were tested. 25 cases were high cholesterol blood symptom patients including 12 cases with high glycerine trimyristate. 16 (64%) cases¡¯ results were significantly improved, 6 cases (24%) achieved results and in 3 cases (12%) there was no change. Total effective rate was 88%. 29 cases with glycerine trimyristate blood symptom including 12 cases who also had high cholesterol. 14 (48.3%) cases¡¯ results were significantly improved, 12 cases (41.4%) achieved results and in 3 cases (10.3%) there was no change. Total effective rate was 89.7%. Cholesterol from 6.7¡À1.6mmol/L down to 5.2¡À0.8mmol/L, glycerine trimyristate from 1.7¡À0.7mmol/L down to 1.3 ¡À0.6mmol/L, high density fat protein from 0.89¡À0.28mmol/L up to 1.3¡À0.5mmol/L. By testing T for themselves, both were P< 0.01. The results showed the ion water was beneficial at  reducing cholesterol and glycerine trimyristate and increasing high density fat protein.

4, Other changes: In 29 cases who had electrocardiogram the change was 6 cases (20.7%) improved at different levels, handled by weight and blood sugar statistics and we didn¡¯t find significant errors before and after the cases drank the ion water.

5, Harmful reactions: At the Begining of drinking the ion water, there was 1 case which showed a little abdominal distension, and 1 case which had a little diarrhoea. After drinking the water continuously they got better, otherwise, we didn¡¯t find out the water had other side effects and toxins and it didn¡¯t affect routine blood and urine tests or functions of liver and kidneys.



The ion water¡¯s effects to reduce pressure and fat, anti atherosclerosis has been proved by numerous scholars at home and abroad. It relates to degrees of treatment of the ion water whether the ion water is up to the best effect. The ion water bottles which are produced by the Nanning Aluminium factory use the latest handling system, with a volume flow of 56ml/minute when drinking, the water which is divided into different levels cut metallic impurities repeatedly in magnetic field intensity of 150-175mT, so its ion concentration is high and there are many ionized single molecules. Clinical practical results showed the ion water had significant curative effects in relieving or reducing cerebral artery sclerosis and coronary heart diseases clinical symptoms, effectively up to 92.1% and 93.1% respectively; It helps to reduce blood pressure, improve the benefits of hypertension pill, enables reduced dosages of medicine and its effective rate for hypertension patients up to 85.2%; Its reduction in fat levels is significant, The effective rates for improving high cholesterol blood symptom and high glycerine trimystate blood symptom are 88% and 89.7% respectively, at the same time it improves high density fat protein, it also has benefits for the treatment of the constipation in the aged when used regularly. Except in a few cases which showed a little reaction for stomachs and intestines, it has no other side effects or toxins. So the writer thinks the ion water produced by the ion water bottles has significant benefits in treatment and health cure of the diseases of arteriosclerosis, high fat blood symptom, hypertension, constipation, etc.. and it has value for popularization and use. 




(1)             ¡° The criteria of clinical disease diagnosis by which patients can be cured or improved¡± the first edition, the Rear Service Department of the Chinese People¡¯s Liberation Army edited mainly. the Chinese People¡¯s Liberation Army Military Surgeon¡¯s Publishing House, Beijing, 187

Hao Xiangang: Director doctor of senior cadre, director, member of the standing committee of Guangxi Medical Science Institute, 303 Hospital of Chinese People¡¯s Liberation Army

Peng Zhuangmin: Physician-in-charge of senior cadre, 303 Hospital of Chinese People¡¯s Liberation Army

( The essay got strong support from the clinic of Jin Niu Qiao cadre department, Nanning, Cguang xi Military Region and  the clinic of cadre department, Nanning,, Guang Zhou Air Force. Thanks to both.)




Ou Yaxiang : Guang Xi Jiang Bin Hospital

The ion water can protect against arteriosclerosis, reducing pressure and fat. To further verify its functionality in treatment and health care, our hospital used the water produced by the ion water bottles designed by Lu Jiang senior engineer who worked in Nanning Aluminium Factory, Guang xi and was granted a design patent. The results are reported below.


Clincial Data


1, General data :

There were 50 cases in the group. 43 were male, 7 were female, 2 cases were aged 40-49, 6 were 50-59, 29 cases were 60-69, 11 were 70-79 and 2 were 80-89. The average age was 63.72. They were all inpatients. Basic ailments were 25 with cerebral artery sclerosis, 14 were coronary arteriosclerosis heart disease, 11 cases with coronary arteriosclerosis heart disease companied by cerebral artery sclerosis. In the group 7 cases also had diabetes, 22 cases also had hypertension, 25 cases also had high fat protein blood symptom and 10 cases with high uric acid and haemayuria symptom. All cases had significant subjective symptoms, such as chest restriction ( difficulty breathing ) , dizziness, headache, swelling, numbness of the limbs and insomnia etc. They were diagnosed clearly.

2, Methods of research

( 1 ) Criteria of diagnosis and judgement of curative effects

In the group all cases who were diagnosed based on criteria of curative effect according to internal medical classics works PRACTICAL INTERNAL MEDICINE, the 9th edition of January, 1993 and some other professional nationwide

academic symposiums including the nationwide internal medicine symposium held in 1980, (also called Guang Zhou symposium), the nationwide cardiovascular epidemic disease symposium and crowd prevention and cure conference, (also called Zheng Zhou symposium), the nationwide mental disease and neuropathy academic symposiums held in 1978, The criteria of judgement of curative effects were assessed by the criteria which were drawn up from the above symposiums. The diagnoses were also based on the sort and curative effect criteria of blood fat protein which were drawn up by cooperation groups of Shanghai Fu Fang Dan Ginseng. Criteria for judgement of curative effects in coronary heart disease and angina pectoris were from the nationwide combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine seminar, (also called Shanghai symposium) in 1979, which discussed about coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, rhythm of the heartbeat which is not normal protection.

( 2 ) Methods and requests to drink the ion water:

When drinking the water produced by the ion water bottles, cold or hot boiled water and tea made from it were used. When drinking temperature was suitable at 30-40C. To produce the ion water, put 1000ml water into the ion water bottles each time, it took 4 minutes to produce 250ml of ion water, to obtain water lightly press the push panel and hold cups to it. It was produced while it was being drunk and was not held over each day to save it. The ion water was suitable to drink on an empty stomach. We recorded the volume of the ion water drank according to weights, people with weights of 50-60kg drank 1500ml, 60-75kg drank 1800ml and for 75-90kg, the volume was 2000-25000ml. The more they drank, the better curative effects noted. The required volume of the ion water was periodically drunk over the day and the period of treatment was 60-120 days.

While drinking the ion water, all the cases with a mild illnesses ceased other special medication, such as those for reducing fat, hypertension pills, the medicines for expanding blood vessel, and for reducing blood viscosity and thickness etc. For the more serious cases, when drinking the ion water, they continued to use special medication, but after the illness improved, they reduced dosages of special medication gradually till they ceased them all together. For example, the cases with angina pectoris gradually ceased something like nitroglycerine and hypertension patients gradually ceased hypertension pills. They continued to drink the ion water for about 60-120 days to enable the observation the  curative effects.

The cases were examined for blood pressure, weight, routine blood test, routine blood fat, routine urine, liver and kidney functions, blood sugars, haematuria acid and blood circulation, electrocardiograms, retinas and Doppler effects for before and after drinking the ion water. We made notes on a special form which was used to record, observe and record regularly.

( 3 ) Observations of toxins and side effects

During drinking the ion water, we observed its toxins and side effects strictly and noted the cases if they had harmful reactions for stomach and intestine, nervous systems, blood production, livers and kidneys. Examined cases¡¯ tests and kept records carefully.

3, Results and analyses

In one group, 50cases drank the ion water for 60-120 days. According to targets related of clinical observation, we reported the results below.

( 1 ) Improvements of clinical symptom

In the group, all 50 cases had significant subjective symptoms before drinking the ion water, but after drinking it they improved at different levels. 25 cases had cerebral artery sclerosis before drinking the ion water, after drinking it, 19 cases (76%) experienced reduced dizziness, headache swollen sensations, numbness of the limbs, insomnia etc. even eliminating them In 6 cases (24%) there was no change. In 8 cases with coronary heart disease and significant angina, after drinking the ion water 7 (87.5%) cases anginas symptom were noticeably relieved or vanished, they could cease the medication such as nitroglycerine, In 1 case (12.5%) there was no change. 11 cases with coronary heart disease companying cerebral artery sclerosis had rather significant subjective symptoms, after drinking the ion water, 10 cases (90.8%) improved significantly and in only 1 case (9.1%) there was no change. In 3 cases with insomnia and the other conditions, after drinking the ion water, their insomnia improved and they ceased taking sleep pills. 1 case with constipation was eased could cease taking laxatives after drinking the ion water.

( 2 ) Effect on blood pressure

In one group, there were 22 cases with combining hypertension. After drinking the ion water, 9 cases (40.91%) improved significantly, 12 cases (54.55%) improved, total effective rate was 95.45%. In 1 case (4.55%) there was no change. The cases in the group reduced dosages of hypertension pills gradually to elimination during the period of drinking the ion water. The effects of reduced pressure appeared gradually after drinking the ion water for one to two weeks, the effect of reduced pressure was significant after 30 days and hypertension pills were almost completely ceased after 30 days. Drinking the ion water was also good for critical hypertension, with blood pressure gradually falling to the normal area during the period of drinking it.

( 3 ) Influences for blood fat

In the group, there were 25 cases with high fat protein blood symptoms. In 10 cases with high cholesterol blood symptoms, after drinking the ion water, 7 cases (70%) improved, in 3 cases (30%) there was no change. The cholesterol reduced 0.98% on average. In 15 cases with high glycerine trimyristate blood symptoms, 4 cases (93.33%) improved, in 1 case (6.67%) there was no change and the glycerine trimyristate reduced 1.25mml/L in average. The ion water was very good for glycerine trimyristate reduction. There was 1 case with glycerine trimyristate 6.46mmol/L, after drinking the ion water 60 day later, the case of glycerine trimyristate reduced to 0.94mmol/L while ceasing medication for reducing fat. The cases with high fat blood symptom in the group didn¡¯t take other the medication for reducing fat while  drinking the ion water, so the results proved the ion water had  a function for reducing fat.

( 4 ) Influence for blood uric acid

In the group, there were 10 cases with high uric acid and haematura blood symptoms.While drinking the ion water, they didn¡¯t take medication to reduce haematuria acid but after 60 days of drinking the ion water and then a full examined, all 10 cases had haematuria acid reduction at different levels. 2 cases of haematuria acid were reduced significantly from 538.6mmol/L down to 352.5mmol/L ( regular ), so it showed the ion water could reduce haematuria acid.

( 5 ) Influence for blood sugar

In the group, 7 cases were all aged related diabetes type II. It was not satisfactorily managed by taking the medication and injection of insulin long-term as well as diet control, but after drinking the ion water when undergoing above the treatment on an empty stomach improved blood sugar levels significantly, which meant blood sugar could be controlled quite satisfactorily. Through clinical practice, we proved that after drinking the ion water, the functions of the medication for reducing sugar could be improved and diabetes was controlled satisfyingly.

( 6 ) Other

For effect on weight, the 50 cases of the group drank the ion water, afterward 16 of them reduced weight by from 1 to 8kg, 34 cases¡¯ weight had no change.

Blood circulation was also improved significantly. In comprehensive treatment for high viscosity blood symptom, by drinking the ion water at the same time as taking medication the viscosity and thickness of blood could be reduced, so the patients gained a benefit from it.

For electrocardiograms, arteriosclerosis of retina, head of Doppler test, there was no significant change. In postscript, in SE-T changer of electrocardiograms with blood deficiency, 3 of ST-T cases improved. We didn¡¯t summarize the situation because the numbers were so few.




After drinking the ion water and completing close clinical observation and tests we found there were no harmful reactions and no inhibitions on blood systems. One case who had aplastic anaemia, after drinking the ion water the red cells increased from 3.18x10/L to 5.15x10/L, red blood protein from 100g/L up to 147g/L and aplastic anaemia was improved significantly. Note: the cases didn¡¯t take the medication for aplastic anaemia during the period of drinking the ion water. Also there were no harmful effects on the liver and kidney functions.




The ion water bottles produced by Nanning Aluminium Factory, Guangxi were used in the latest treatment system designs. Their funnels and the water storage volume were 1000ml, the flow volume was 65ml/minute and it cut metallic impurities repeatedly in a magnetic field which intensity was up to 150-175mT. The ion water was tested by the research center of analysis and testing which proved its ion density was high.  There were plenty of ions and single molecules in the drinking water, so it was the highest level comparing with the other productions nationwide. The ion water bottles were sensible designed and were new original.

Through clinical practices we proved there were good beneficial effects for treatments and health cares for arteriosclerosis, such as coronary arteriosclerosis and cerebral artery sclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, high fat protein blood symptom, high uric acid and haematuria symptom, obesity etc.. after drinking the ion water, 80% of the 50 cases in the group improved significantly. Its function for reducing pressure was strong, total effective rate was 93.33%. It helped reduce blood sugar and losing weight. We also found the ion water could reduce uric acid and haematuria, so it was good for treatment and health care for the prevention and control of cardiovascular sclerosis, cerebral vascular sclerosis.

Cardiovascular sclerosis and cerebral vascular sclerosis

are common and frequently-occurring diseases and primary factors of death for mankind  cardiovascular sclerosis cerebral vascular sclerosis, they seriously threaten people¡¯s health and life. Hypertension, high fat blood symptom, high uric acid and haematuria, diabetes, obesity, etc. are seriously dangerous factors for cardiovascular sclerosis and cerebral vascular sclerosis, relating closely to the incidence of a disease and death rate. The ion water can beneficially reduce pressures, fat, uric acids and haematuria, control blood sugars and help with weights loss etc., provide prevention and beneficial treatment for cardiovascular and cerebral blood vessel diseases, improve life quality, prolong life and improve people¡¯s health and longevity. Developing the ion water of the Nanning Aluminium Factory brings benefit to people, which is an ideal product for medical treatment and health care. People get good health benefits from drinking the ion water long-term, and cardiovascular and cerebral blood vessel diseases are prevented and cured. Is has wide potential to extend life and enhance the benefit of medicines in the health care field. It will provide benefit in life prolongation and the improvement of people¡¯s health.



Ou Yaxiang is the director doctor and director of internal medicine in Jiang Bin Hospital, Guangxi. A committee member of the nationwide 4th the aged medical science institute. A director committee member of the aged medical science institute , Guangxi. A member of the standing committee Guangxi internal medicine institute.

The summary report by Ou Yaxiang director has accurate data, rational analyses and assessments which tally with clinical requests. The ion water bottles are valuable to the patients who have high blood fat and sugar as well as hypertension etc..



Jiang Bin Hospital, Guangxi

October 3 1994